Times Comments 7/6
I think the comment above is unfair. Like a good journalist, Matt outlines various issues of home schooling/education: from its routines, to the difficulty of teaching maths, the opportunities of Domestic Science learning and the current problems of replacing it with Zoom.
At the beginning of the week it was interesting to see the TV (& Twitter) coverage of schools where Heads had to make tough decisions about welcoming kids back to school. There seems to be a contrast between the no expense spared Nightingale NHS approach and the one member of educational staff and a roll of tape. In Scotland there is one Local Authority refusing to do a proper clean of its schools, as reported by Larry Flanagan of the EIS. Matt is right about #10 some Teachers do not get paid enough.
The above is an eloquent outline of the BLM issue.
It culminated in the UK last night near Downing Street with angry youngsters shouting and gesticulating at Policemen, & women, doing their job. The rain had robbed these warriors of their posters and the sight of a Police horse bolting past the memorials to fallen young heroes recalled more honourable citizen contributions to our society.
Remind me how big is a “minority”. I watched, live on Sky News, and there were more than a few.
“I’m the king of the castle, you’re a dirty wee rascal!” just about sums up the SNP diplomacy skills. From Ian Blackford at PMQs bawling at Boris Johnson about BLM, to Nichola telling him who to sack it is clear that our Scottish elected officials have too much “to say”. We didn’t hear Boris call for the resignation of Dr Calderwood, Derek McKay et al.
And there is little doubt of the political agenda in Northern Ireland either. For the first time we saw on Parliament TV the joint leadership with two sign language interpreters: the extra does it in Irish Sign Language for Sinn Fein. One in the eye for Welsh bilingualism.
->LarryC “Every day’s a school day”, though there used to be an exception for the Sabbath. But not so anymore with Churches being closed on the UK mainland for a while — and much longer in “Stay-at-Home” Scotland.