Quiz questions 27/12/20

21 questions — 5 Q rounds 5 mins max each (ZOOM code at end)

paul martin
1 min readDec 27, 2020
  1. At its peak how many train platforms were there in March Cambridgeshire, the favourite railway station of Nana Martin
  2. When Santa moves around the world, he crosses different time zones, how long will his day be?
  3. A reindeer needs to keep warm in the snow, how many coats does a reindeer have?
  4. Which is the more popular artificial Christmas tree design component: aluminum or small toilet brushes
  5. The most popular Joke about the Brexit shortage of salad leaves was:

A. It’s not Rocket science, B .. another Romaine vs Brexit option, C the tip for the Iceberg, D Cos it’s Christmas

Janet — 5-Qs-r-us

Kay — LBW

Andrew — Baked beanny

Lynnette’s PICTURE ROUND (Name the baby)

Hi Paul Martin,Your participants have joined your meeting:TopicPaul Martin’s Zoom MeetingMeeting ID 742 2754 0448 TimeDec 27, 2020 02:00 PM London



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