Kitchen Design

paul martin
2 min readNov 20, 2020


(a review)

Starting with the Positive

I have discovered what a key place the kitchen is, and how things have moved on: in my sixties I don’t want to be bending over to get the milk from ground level. Appreciating the new configuration is, and continues to be a source of joy.

However, few points on the process:

  • Poster — Our (excellent) installation chap did not give it a glance but at present we are partially using it as we are stuck on wall tiles & flooring. You display an option for the latter on the rendition and I wonder whether you could have a closer relationship with a particular vendor. We have struggled with high street suppliers & online is a learning experience too. One issue is the complexity of choice.
  • Logistics. Occasionally it was difficult to get through on the telephone & in the particular case I did struggle eventually the pleasant chap on the Humber looked at file and said AOK. Some prefer email, others do not manage it as well.
  • Orchestration. The domestic features of the kitchen are important in the smooth running of family life. We didn’t mind the take-aways and are better off for the purchase of an Instant Pot, but the lack of washing facilities was a chore — easier for cutlery not so for laundry. There was mention of the vagaries of a temporary kitchen top but I think more emphasis on potential snags might have helpful. As it happened the kitchen top arrived as predicted time-wise and was cheerfully installed by the two (not “six”) young lads.

Overall it was good fun. I offer the above from my personal experience — other points could have been made, but I don’t want to discourage. Thank you.



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