jfk assasination WAS a conspiracy

paul martin
May 6, 2021


Throughout the years of confusion following the LBJ coup there has been a conspiracy to deny that the murder of JFK was a government plot. However fifty years on there is little doubt.

Who ?

Lee Oswald is technically innocent, having never been convicted. And he was shot dead as he stood next to the detective in the white (!) suit.

Why ?

His motive remains an issue. Was he a CIA “patsy” (his own word)

How ?

Millions have stood on the Grassy Knoll and looked back at the picket fence and thought ….

When ?

The (rushed) Warren commission and subsequent Professor Blakely House Assasination Committee investigation in the seventies (distracted by audio from a distant police bike), Oliver Stone JFK 90’s movie and new documentary.



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