Garden for Twins — Planning #1

Our back garden, once the haven for cattle and bushes has been stripped back to the soil, a bit of lawn and some trees.

paul martin
2 min readDec 17, 2021
After clearing


The survivors

Three or four trees: a fruit one, one from a re-wooded woodland in England and a favourite snowball (not shown).

[Jobs to do: Paint Fence]

There is clearly lawn too.

Some bulbs are poking through.

Down the left of the garden, hiding the neighbor’s garden there is a Holly bush and some Kiria. At the top a silver birch and a conifer.



  • Trees — a good time of year
  • Lawn — still time to scatter some extra seed


  • A long left-to-right path a bush’s width in front of back fence for maintainence of bushes and toddler runs
  • Path with steps on left on garden up to the above

Raised Beds

Somewhere ? Maybe a trial

Pirate Ship

Fence cover

Bushes and trees down the right to exclude neighbours

CAD Drawing

(to be continued …..)



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