EE letter
Late Friday afternoon I went onto Union Street, for the first time in a year, to shop in M&S for trousers. Outside afterwards the corner coffee cafe had a few people in, but otherwise I was the only customer wherever I purchased items, which was difficult. There were closed shoe shops, the boarded up BHS, plus empty Timpson and a George Street type mobile repair shop. I turned around and decided to check the Bon Accord centre, for the toilet at least.
What an adventure. You enter the shopping area from the south, but cannot follow the directions (one way for Covid) to go up the stairs for relief. Nor can you use the lift to go from LM to UM: pressing UM button on either panels is not an option (they do not light). So up an extra floor, to the car park and I am almost outside on Harriet Street but there’s a car barrier; “Confusing, isn’t it" shouted a woman. As it sure was when eventually I was standing by the porcelain I looked up to read one of many signs that say “Do Not Use".
I offer the above by way of levity since in Saturday’s EE we know the answer to the letter which asked “Has anyone asked the people of Aberdeen what they think ?” about the Council’s stadium and other expensive plans. It is of course “Why bother…” they will do what they like — who can forget the Beach Blvd cycle lane fiasco.