The (Koniku) device, a purple disc the size of a steering wheel that hangs on a wall, contains living nerve cells in a solution designed to replicate the mucus membrane in a human nose.
In today’s Times (paywall) but a more expansive version:
(As MCP is probably aware):
Prof Gardner’s first groundbreaking invention, built in 1993 with Warwick doctoral student Tim Pearce, was a 12-sensor array of conducting polymers, initially used to help Bass Brewers detect fouled batches of beer. Gardner has since written two books on machine olfaction and helped found three electronic nose companies whose simple, AI-equipped metal-oxide gas sensors for things such as ethanol and carbon monoxide are today found in millions of households, factories, and automobiles. In his view, it’s unlikely that olfactory receptors will ever attain that type of commercial reach. Most solutions using them have ignored or not yet tailored a solution that allows for durability — for sensors to stay functional beyond their initial use. Human olfactory receptors are “born, they grow, they learn, and they die and get washed away,”
UofWarwick Cybersniffer (on YouTube) — 2020
Other articles 5 yrs old. “Agabi, 42, hopes the Konikore will eventually be in bathrooms in every household to detect ill health based on the scent of bodily fluids.”