A year on and CS@Scottish_Schools is still in decline as demonstrated here:
I did try and help by becoming a Barefoot Computing Ambassador updating Primary School teachers with their staid view. (I did write and complain). The logistical problems of poor internet connection in NE Scotland did not help and to be fair to the teachers & Heads its a tough nut to crack.
In this last year I have tried teaching CS skills at upper stage Primary, am a STEM Ambassador at lower stages and in hindsight suspect my discussions in the above thread were a bit academic — but I was in conversation with one.
What to do this year ?
My add on to the canned Barefoot slide-deck was to hand round physical computing devices such as micro:bit et al. I have been impressed as to how quick my grandson picked up the Microsoft Makecode environment. I advocate a push in this area. There is work in England but where is the Scottish contingent — on Minecraft ?